Integrative Health Blog

How to Live Clean

Posted by on Mon, Dec 30, 2013

It's a new year, which is a chance for a new you!

January is a great time to think about living a healthier, cleaner lifestyle. 

One of the best ways to start a new year is a nice detoxifying cleanse.  A cleanse removes the "bad stuff", or the toxins from your body and your home. In order to maintain optimum health and treat disease, it is imperative to decrease one's toxic load.  Think about the toxins we consume in just one day through the foods we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, the products we use to clean, the clothes you wear, the products you use in the shower and the make up and lotions you put on when you get out of the shower! We live in a toxic world, yes, but we also have access to things which lessen the toxic overload! Here are some small changes that you can make today to start living a cleaner, healthier life.

Tips to Lessen the Toxic Burden on Your Body:

1. Food:

Nutrient rich foods like local, organic vegetables and fruit, and high quality animal protein contain vitamins and minerals which can help heal the gut and strengthen your immune system. Toxic foods and substances include sugar, caffeine, mercury-containing fish, alcohol, gluten and dairy.

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Tags: natural remedies, detoxification, natural products

Should You Be Concerned About BPA in Plastics?

Posted by on Wed, Nov 06, 2013

Michelle Janbakhsh DDS


What is BPA?

BPA or Bisphenol_A is a chemical that has been used since 1960's in certain resins and plastics. It is a common ingredient in many plastics, including water bottles, cups, children's toys, plastic containers, cash receipts and paper currency. BPA is found in polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. Polycarbonate plastics are a common ingredient in containers that store food and beverages such as water bottles, cups, children's toys and baby bottles. Polycarbonate plastics are used for goods such as safety equipment, compact discs and medical devices.

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Tags: BPA, detoxification, biological dentistry, holistic dentistry

Raw Food Weekend Class In Washington DC at NIHA, Oct. 25-27, 2013

Posted by on Tue, Sep 24, 2013


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Tags: detoxification, raw food

Healthy Water, the Essence of Life

Posted by on Fri, Jul 26, 2013

Mark McClure DDS

Water cleans, purifies, enlivens, refreshes and quenches thirst. It splashes, rains, runs and makes everything grow…Water is this unique substance that seems to contain the essence of life itself.

Water is as much a nutrient as food. The human body is composed of 25% solid matter and 74% water. The brain is 85% water. You can survive for weeks without food; however, you can’t survive for more than a few days without water.

Water is the most important detoxification agent and is the solvent that makes all bodily functions possible. The quantity and quality of the water you drink has a direct effect on your short and long-term health.

Natural drinking water is the most critical factor to health. The quantity and quality of the water you drink has a direct effect on short and long term health.

Quantity- How much Water Should You Drink?

The quantity of water is important! Try to consume 1-2 quarts (or 4-8 eight ounces) of water a day.

The easy answer is drink whenever you are thirsty; however, if you have chronic dehydration your thirst mechanism does not work well and you may not feel thirst. Whether you are recovering or maintaining your health the suggestions are the same, drink a minimum of 6-8 eight ounce glasses of water per day and more if you are exercising or in hot weather. Alcohol, tea, coffee and caffeine-containing beverages and sugar/sports drinks do not count because these liquids cause dehydration. The best time to drink water is away from food. If you drink over half a glass of water at meals you may dilute your digestive juices. Your thirst should be satisfied at all times.

Hydration Takes Time

It takes time for hydration therapy (drinking water) to take effect. Like a sponge, the tissue membranes will take on water slowly. The kidneys must be watched for adequate functioning when increasing your water consumption. Measuring your intake of fluids and urine output may be helpful if there’s a question about your kidney function. In addition, electrolytes (salt) and minerals in the water are very important, for we are not just replacing water but the salts and minerals in the water also.

Hydration Therapy

We suggest hydration therapy for many of our patients as an initial step to balance their body chemistries. All biochemical indicators in the bodily fluids are always improved with hydration therapy. To adequately hydrate the body, it is best if you drink a little water at a time over one, two or three days. Tissues and membranes can only take on water slowly. Hydration therapy may take one to three days, depending on your weight.

  1. Drink 4 ounces of water each half hour

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Tags: water, detoxification

Glutathione, the Great Antioxidant and Great Detoxifier

Posted by on Tue, Jun 25, 2013

Bob Johnson DMD

Glutathione, the Great Antioxidant

Glutathione is  known as the Great antioxidant and the Great detoxifier.

Glutathione is a critically important molecule composed of 3 amino acids but is unique in that it is made by the body and exists inside all cells.

Why is Glutathione so important?

Glutathione is a great detoxifier and critical in prevention of chronic diseases.

Oxidation of cells contributes to degenerative diseases such as cancer, arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and Alzheimer’s. Oxidation is also involved in the aging process with the body’s exposure to pollutants, chemicals and in regular metabolism.

Glutathione is the most important antioxidant and the body needs it for detoxification, to clean up the stressed and damaged cells, and to help the body repair itself.

Most patients with chronic illness have low levels of glutathione.

It has been clearly established that for the prevention of asthma, inflammation, arthritis, muscle weakness, cancer, cataracts, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and more, glutathione is critical.

Glutathione also helps to maintain all other antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, the nitric oxide cycle and is indispensable in DNA and protein synthesis.  As such glutathione is a critical element in the body.  Most chronic illness patients have glutathione deficiency and would be effectively treated with glutathione.

Glutathione, although made in the body can be supplemented.  Oral glutathione supplementation has been shown to be ineffective due to the digestion process but consuming the precursors especially alpha lipoic and N acetyl cysteine have been shown more effective.

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Tags: antioxidants, glutathione, detoxification, supplements

Holistic Nutrition: Do YOU Know What GMO Food Means?

Posted by on Wed, May 01, 2013

The Definition of GMO

I want to talk today about a topic that can be difficult to understand because of the complexity of the issue: GMO, which is the acronym for Genetically Modified Organisms.

This is an issue which may affect not just human health, but soil microbes, crops and livestock as well.

When a plant or a food crop has had it’s DNA biochemically altered - it is considered to be a genetically modified organism,  or GMO.

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Tags: holistic nutrition, detoxification, integrative health, GMO

Colon Hydrotherapy: The Secret of the Rich and Famous?

Posted by on Wed, Mar 13, 2013

What’s the best kept beauty secret of the world’s rich and famous? 

What’s their secret to those perfectly flat tummies and that beautiful, radiant skin?

My friend, I’ll tell.  They’ve discovered the ancient art of INTERNAL CLEANSING THROUGH COLON HYDROTHERAPY.  Yes, they spend as much time cleansing their internal bodies as they do cleansing their external bodies.  But, they’re not going to tell you their beauty secret.  Why?  Because colon health and internal cleansing just are not favorite topics of every day dinner table or cocktail party conversation!  According to the Huffington Post, actor Leonard DiCaprio has tapped into this ancient beauty secret.  

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Tags: detoxification, colon hydrotherapy

Cultured Vegetables: an Old Fashioned Secret for a Healthy Gut

Posted by on Mon, Mar 11, 2013

Cultured and fermented foods have been around for a long time, initially as a means of preserving food, but it turns out there is a wonderful healing benefit to this process. Foods were put in a jar and stored in a cellar for a period of time where they fermented, or cultured. The good microbes grow and flourish in this fermented environment, eliminating the bad microbes. When you consume cultured foods your digestive system reaps the benefits of this beautiful, healthy ecosystem.

Benefits of Fermented Vegetables   

Rich in Probiotics

Cultured vegetables help re-establish a healthy inner digestive ecosystem. Food sources of probiotics give you billions more of viable microbes than most supplements and also are more likely to survive stomach acids and re-inoculate your gut more effectively as they bring their own ecosystem with them.

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Tags: immune system, detoxification, gut

8 Natural Ways to Detox Your Body

Posted by on Mon, Jan 28, 2013

We are exposed to toxins daily in our fast paced, modern world. 

Personal care products, cell phones, microwaves, wireless electronics, processed foods, plastics, cleaning products, carpet, water, and food may contain chemicals or emit electromagnetic  frequencies.

So, how do we stay healthy? Our body is designed to eliminate toxins from the body as part of the natural processes in the liver, kidney, bowel and skin. But there are simple things we can do to help flush out the bad stuff.

To maintain health, you need to a) Minimize the toxins you are exposed to, and b) Improve the ability to rid yourself of toxins in your system through detoxification.

The following natural ways to detoxify should be used regularly to keep toxic accumulation to a minimum:

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Tags: infrared sauna, detoxification

What to Expect When You Detox

Posted by on Wed, Dec 19, 2012

Lisa Wilson CHC

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Tags: detoxification, raw food