Integrative Medicine & Holistic Dentistry health blog | National Integrated Health Associates NIHA

Chronic Illness and the Hidden Costs of Childhood Stress

Written by Kuno Bachbauer LMFT | Tue, May 07, 2019

Join us for the talk series on Understanding the Connection between Mind, Body and Emotions

TITLE: "Chronic Illness and the Hidden Costs of Childhood Stress"

DATE:  TUESDAY May 28, 2019                                                               

TIME:  6:30 - 7:30

PRESENTER: Kuno Bachbauer, LMFT, (Austria)


It is now firmly established that any illness is a systemic, multi-factorial process.

What does this mean?

We know now that illness requires a “perfect storm” of many factors in order to manifest a disease process.  Some of the factors coming together in order to cause such a systemic imbalance to activate in the body are genetics, ancestral influences, environment, lifestyle, general stress levels, toxic load, and adult trauma, among many others.

There is one more very important contributor to chronic disease: your childhood experiences.

A ground-breaking study was conducted by the CDC and Kaiser Permanente in the early 1990s.  It correlates early childhood trauma with an occurrence of physical and mental illness later in adulthood. It is called the “ACE Study”, short for “Adverse Childhood Experiences Study”.

It studies what happens when bad things happen to good children.

The Connection Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Illness Later in Life

The ACE Study documents the connection between adverse childhood experiences and illness and disease later on in adulthood.

The ACE study is asking ten questions about a person’s early childhood experiences. A positive answer to each question is scoring one point. A score of 4 and more on the “adverse childhood experiences” scale turns out to be a sure predictor for later occurrence of a disease. Many modern physicians now include this ACE score in their initial patient evaluation and as a basis for their treatment recommendations!

Let’s see what YOUR own ACE score actually is:

In recent years, we have gathered very strong additional research on how un-conscious life-commitments and frozen inner beliefs resulting from unresolved traumatic childhood experiences may influence the development of an illness. We also have learned from modern trauma science how to release and rebalance many of these ill-making effects.

You may say,But I have had a wonderful childhood." I frequently see situations where an adult experiences something as harmless that when it is seen from a child’s point of view was highly traumatic and emotionally damaging. That is due to the age and the relative vulnerability of the the child at the time of a trauma.

In this workshop you will learn: 

  • The connection between “all the bad things that can happen when you are a kid and then make you sick later in life." (From: Nadine Burke Harris, MD ”The Deepest Well” )
  • Understanding how internal conflicts and family stressors are contributing to the creation of illness
  • How to optimize the “mind-body connection” for wellness and longevity

And maybe most importantly...

  • How to counter-act, re-balance and prevent adverse effects from childhood stressors

Intrigued?  Unfamiliar with thinking about life this way?

Join us for a free talk, exercises to help create a deeper understanding of the topic and time for conversation, sharing and how to apply this to daily life.

What people say about the Mind/Body Series:

"The information he covered during the first event was fascinating!  I’m glad I attended and I plan to attend again."  J.M.

Tuesday, MAY 28, 2019 at 6:30 PM at National Integrated Health Associates

Each journey starts with the first step!


Kuno Bachbauer, LMFT, Dr. med. (Austria),  has a life-long interest in personal growth, mind-body medicine, and understanding the neuro-biology of emotion and spiritual transformation.  He practices Core Energetics at CoreConstellations Center in Rockville, MD., has a counseling office at NIHA, and teaches internationally.