Integrative Medicine & Holistic Dentistry health blog | National Integrated Health Associates NIHA

Steps to Protect Yourself from Electrosmog and EMF Exposure

Written by Dr. Charles Gant | Mon, Jan 25, 2021

The terms electromagnetic smog, electrosmog, EMF, or dirty electricity refer to all artificially generated electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted by all the computers, mobile phones, microwave ovens, etc. in the environment and which results in exposure of people, animals, and the environment to them.

Risks of EMF Exposure

Evidence is amassing that electrosmog is capable of causing a wide range of chronic degenerative diseases, especially causing nervous system injury and cancer. Sleep disorders can be caused by electrosmog. Many people who engage in various mindfulness-based healing methods find that electrosmog makes a mindfulness meditation practice exceedingly difficult, since it creates stress that keeps our minds locked into perpetual fight/flight agitation. Children and older folks are more vulnerable, and electrosmog may be a causal factor of such conditions as autism, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, ALS,[1] and mental disorders. Listed here are some simple measures you can take to lessen electrosmog injury in your environment.

How to Reduce EMF Exposure


    During sleep or when practicing mindfulness, turn the electricity off in the fuse box. You can turn off the electricity in the whole house or in a particular area like the bedroom, remembering that the electric currents in the rooms adjacent to a room (basement, room next door etc.) could be polluting the living space you are trying to isolate.


    If you have a “smart meter” which broadcasts your electrical usage to the electric company, get rid of it. These electrical signals are potentially dangerous. Have the representative from the electric company read your meter once a month, the old-fashioned way. That may cost a little more but it’s probably worth it.


    Any electrical device which is not mobile should be directly wired. Your computer should not be connected to your modem by WiFi.[2] Instead, buy an ethernet cable and connect your computer directly.

    All other computer related devices, printers, screens, etc. should be hard-wired, not WIFI connected.


    The same goes for a landline telephone; connect it directly to the modem with a long telephone wire. Buy a phone with a handset wired to the cradle. Do not use portable phones. Get rid of all WiFi. If you use your cellphone exclusively, get a landline that is wired and keep your cellphone at a distance away from you.


    Cellphones are portable and require a signal but alleviating measures can be taken. Never put them on your head and instead, use the speaker device kept preferably at least two feet away from you. If you use an earbud, never use a WiFi connection to your phone or an electrical cable that puts a field directly in your ear. Instead use a GIA device ( that converts the electrical signal from your phone into an acoustic signal (good ol’ sound waves) and these are delivered to your ear. Little devices can be stuck on your phone to supposedly lessen the dirty electricity. Don’t “wear” cellphones unless it’s simply necessary and keep them away from vital organs like shirt pockets. In a car or work environment, take them out of pockets and put them on seat or table next to you and away from everyone.


    If you use a microwave, after you turn it on, get yourself, family members and your pets at least 10 feet away. Microwaves are horrific, try to eliminate it.


  • Q Link manufactures pendants that can be worn like a necklace which lessens the electrosmog in a 2 foot radius area, covering your head and vital organs ). I have worn one for 40 years and I fit one my dog.

  • A Q Link Nimbus can be plugged into the USB port of your computer or your car. ( ). They are advertised to form an omnidirectional 30-foot protective sphere of electrosmog protection, but when we kinesiologically tested them, they only worked out to a 10-12 foot distance, which is still excellent. I connect one to my computer and another one in my car.

  • You can buy a Trimeter device ( ) to test and find EMF hotspots around your living area, like a microwave.

  • EMF remediators ( ) can be hired to assess your office and living area, but check with EMF experts at NIHA like Dr. McClure who knows remediators in our area.


    When 5G comes, don’t use it. Do not let towers be placed anywhere near you living environment.


  • Some of my patients use “grounding” to connect their body directly to the earth, such as simply standing with bare feet on the ground, to discharge or gather electrons and neutralize accumulated electrosmog. I am not sure how well this works, but it makes sense.

Anyone suffering from chronic degenerative disease, nervous system disorders or cancer  should take measures to remediate their exposures immediately. Those who have significant heavy metal or high iron levels may be more vulnerable to dirty electricity as the toxic metals conduct electricity. Test for toxic metals and detoxify them. Electrosmog adds sympathetic fight/flight stress to our nervous system, which is already riled up with all the psycho-emotional, immune, toxic, and other stress that comes with living in the modern world. Mindfulness training can alleviate some of this. There are other measures that can be taken besides those noted here, and many books have been written on this subject. MD's and other clinicians can get CME credits for training courses on electrosmog mitigation, which should be a part of treatment provided by clinicians in primary care.





[1] ALS is AKA Lou Gehrig’s disease.

[2] WiFi stands for Wireless Fidelity and is the same thing as saying WLAN which stands for "Wireless Local Area Network." WiFi works off of the same principal as other wireless devices - it uses radio frequencies to send signals between devices.


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