Integrative Health Blog

Why Can't I Smell Now? Post COVID Syndrome

Posted by on Tue, Jul 13, 2021

A lingering long haul syndrome phenomenon and what you can do about it!

An interesting complication for some of those who have had COVID-19 is a loss of smell (anosmia) or decreased ability to smell (hyposmia). This condition is called Post Infectious Smell Loss (PISL) and some studies show that it can affect up to 10% of individuals with Post Covid Syndrome. It is thought to be related to damage to the supporting cells around the olfactory nerves. 

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Tags: functional medicine, essential oils, Dr. Tapscott

Do You Have Mask Mouth?

Posted by on Wed, Jun 02, 2021

We all have heard the reasons for wearing a mask or not wearing a mask, however are you aware of the oral side effects from wearing a mask for an extended time? 

When wearing a mask, the dryness in your mouth increases which makes your mouth a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses to grow. This dryness, which prevents your saliva from doing its job as a protective barrier can also lead to other problems in the mouth such as:

Increase in Tooth Decay- without saliva to bathe the teeth there is a higher risk of getting cavities.

Gingivitis, or Inflamed Gums- an increase in bacteria in the mouth sends your immune system into action, which may cause inflammation.

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Tags: biological dentistry, periodontal disease

Cardiovascular Old Person's Disease?

Posted by on Sat, May 15, 2021

Do you have problems with your performance in the boardroom or the bedroom?

Do you have irregular menstrual cycles or infertility concerns?

Are your hands and feet often cold?

Pay attention, as these could be signs of early cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Many people think of CVD in those who have had a heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure or cholesterol problems. And while these are major diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is important to broaden your understanding as YOU may be at risk and need to intervene early.

For example, if you have been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction you have vascular disease in your penis. This is actually an early sign that you likely have blood vessel problems in other organs throughout your body. Memory problems could also be a sign that you have brain vascular disease. Alzheimers is, in fact, considered type 3 diabetes.

For women, irregular menstrual cycles may be the result of a condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) which can contribute to infertility. The pathophysiology of PCOS is insulin resistance which is a major risk factor for CVD.

Your body is brilliant at trying to give you clues that something is going on with your vascular system. It is up to you to pay attention to these early signs to ultimately prevent severe disease from happening.



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Tags: heart disease, functional medicine, Dr. Tapscott

The Key Benefits of Digestive Enzymes

Posted by on Thu, May 06, 2021

Digestive enzymes are necessary to break down the food we eat. If we are not breaking down food properly, we do not gain the nutrients needed for the body to absorb and turn into energy for good digestive health

Both kinds of digestive enzymes, animal-derived and vegetarian, are involved in many biological functions, including digestion of proteins and fats and cell signaling. Amylases digest starch, carbohydrates and sugar, Proteases digest protein and Lipases digest fats, the three principle components of food.

The Building Blocks of Life

Proteins are the “building blocks” of life, and the proteins we consume had been assembled, according to the DNA instructions in plants and animals, which we then break down into its amino acids with our digestive enzymes when we eat them, and then use our DNA to reassemble them into new proteins in our body. After we die, they will be broken down again, especially by fungus, so that our amino acids can be recycled and reassembled into another life form. The amino acids and fatty acid that make up our bodies have a long history of being components of many previous life forms, perhaps all the way back to ancient bacteria and dinosaurs.

Digestive enzymes may be the most important nutrients I prescribe for my patients, because when good digestion occurs, a lot of very important healthful benefits will happen as well.

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Tags: functional medicine, digestive health, gastrointestinal issues

Are Allergies Protective Against Severe COVID-19?

Posted by on Mon, Apr 19, 2021

Allergic asthma is the most common type of asthma, affecting half of asthmatic adults and about 80% of asthmatic children. During the COVID-19 pandemic, my asthmatic patients have been concerned about the increased susceptibility they may have to the virus due to the increased mucus production and respiratory impairment associated with asthma. I think it is important to discern what the causal factors are for the asthma to really alleviate the concern because causes of allergic asthma  reduced ACE2 expression and non-atopic asthma does not.  

The Role of the ACE2 Receptor

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Tags: asthma, allergies

Turmeric, Curcumin and LDL Cholesterol: Natural Ways to Lower Oxidative Stress

Posted by on Mon, Apr 12, 2021

What is LDL and Why is it Called the "Bad" Cholesterol?

LDL, “bad” cholesterol, or low-density lipoprotein (LDL) gets a bad rap as a risk factor for atherosclerosis and increasing the risks of heart attacks and stroke, which together are the number one cause of death. LDL may serve some useful functions and it should be understood physiologically instead of indicting it as “bad” and blindly taking potentially harmful medications to lower it.[1] LDL is simply oxidized fat, like rancid olive oil or butter left out of the refrigerator too long. LDL and rancid fat acquire oxygen molecules and become less dense when the fluffy gas molecules (oxygen) attaches itself to the fat molecules, much as dense wood becomes less dense, left-over, dusty ashes in a fireplace after wood is burned or oxidized. When oxidized fat proceeds to flow through our blood vessels, burning and oxidizing its way, too much of it may proceed to light little fires, like taking tiny blow torches to the inside of our arteries. The damage caused by this “oxidative stress,” is sealed over by plaque in a repair process, which is usually composed of a hodgepodge of clot, fat and calcium. If a lot of repair plaque builds up, one may be diagnosed with atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis or coronary heart disease. No wonder doctors prescribe medications to lower LDL.

The Dangers of Plaque Build-up 

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Tags: heart disease, functional medicine, supplements

How to Get Pregnant 101

Posted by on Mon, Apr 05, 2021

You may think you learned about this in your middle school sex ED class. So why then are so many couples having a hard time getting pregnant?

Infertility rates are on the rise affecting around 11% of reproductive age populations and 25% of these couples have more than one contributing factor.

Why the rise in Infertility?

Has the female anatomy transformed over the years?

Is the sperm not what it used to be?

Actually… yes!

There are structural as well as cellular changes occurring in the male and female body which contribute to infertility. Often these adverse effects on the body are the direct result of how we are living our lives.

The Outside Environment is Affecting Women’s Internal Systems:

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Tags: functional medicine, Dr. Tapscott, infertility

Colon Cancer Testing

Posted by on Wed, Mar 24, 2021

March Is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. Get Tested.

An article about colon cancer testing may seem irrelevant at a time when everyone is discussing coronavirus, but let’s not forget that there are equally important health risks lurking in the shadows. 

Assessing patients for colon cancer is part of my functional medicine comprehensive gastrointestinal evaluation that all of my patients over 45 years old receive, especially those with a strong family history of colon cancer and those who have endured long-term severe symptoms of gastrointestinal/ GI dysfunction, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s Disease and chronic constipation.  To do this I use the Cologuard Stool Test. Once in a while the Cologuard test comes back positive, and it is very gratifying to pick up colon cancer at an early stage when it has the greatest chance to be treated.  Of course, I also proceed to investigate my patient’s biochemistry to find the underlying causes of colon cancer so that it does not recur, which usually includes a search for genetic vulnerabilities and an in-depth stool test to find abnormalities in my patient’s microbiome.

Cologuard:  At-home Colon Cancer Screening Test

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Tags: cancer prevention, gastrointestinal issues

Surprising Signs You May Have Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Posted by on Mon, Mar 08, 2021

The main symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, are loud snoring, gasping or choking during sleep. However, there are many other less-familiar signs of sleep apnea, and they might surprise you.

Obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep condition that causes the muscles in your throat to relax repeatedly during sleep. This blocks your air passage and interrupts breathing. This may happen every time a person stops breathing, which can occur up to 120 times per hour. This disruption in breathing takes a great toll on the body and OSA can be a serious sleep disorder.

The Risks of Sleep Apnea

Left untreated, obstructive sleep apnea increases your risk of cardiovascular conditions such as high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes. Loud snoring, pauses in breathing during sleep and waking up gasping or choking are common symptoms of the condition. 

Not everyone with sleep apnea snores and vice versa, not everyone who snores has sleep apnea. You may be able to ascertain the difference simply based on how you feel during the day. Snoring on its own may not be disruptive enough to cause you to have restless sleep, as it does not normally awaken the sufferer. That means you simply won’t be as tired during the day. But there are other signs of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and if you experience any of these please get it checked out.

More Signs of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

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Tags: sleep disorders, biological dentistry

Mindfulness for Astronauts; Why Not for Landlubbers Too?

Posted by on Mon, Mar 01, 2021

I recently read that NASA is providing Mindfulness Meditation.

Well, if NASA provides this for astronauts, why not for everyone? After all, we are all occasionally exposed to events and unconscious people who “push our buttons,” so why should we not also be prepared for all manner of threats and emergencies just like our astronauts. That is precisely what mindfulness training does. Besides lowering sympathetic fight/flight stress, mindfulness training prepares us for life’s unexpected challenges which might normally push the buttons of unprepared minds and cause us to react unconsciously.

Coping Skills for Space Flight or ANY Life Stressors

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Tags: mindfulness, functional medicine, mind-body