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Natural Remedies for Food Poisoning

Written by Robert Johnson | Tue, Jul 31, 2018


Food poisoning is an illness in the body from consuming contaminated food or water that results in vomiting and diarrhea. These foodborne or waterborne microorganisms can range from viruses such as hepatitis A, to certain bacteria such as salmonella and Clostridium Botulinum, to parasites and chemicals.

Food poisoning is most common during the hot summer months when temperatures soar and foods made with creams or dairy can become breeding grounds for infecting microbes. Additionally, many foods and contaminated water can carry parasites. Under-cooked foods, sushi, ground beef and unwashed fruits and produce such as lettuce can also harbor bacteria.

Symptoms of Food Poisoning

Abdominal pain or stomach cramping
Weakness and fatigue
Dizziness/light headed
Joint and muscle pain

The damage from food poisoning can range from minor discomfort to long term health damage. Fortunately, it generally lasts only a few days and usually resolves on its own. Staying well hydrated is the most important thing one can do to treat the symptoms. If symptoms persist, it is important to check in with your primary care physician

Natural Remedies for Food Poisoning

  • Activated charcoal soaks up food poisoning toxins
  • Lemon water is a natural detoxifier and hydrating as well
  • Avoid solid foods and let the digestive system "rest" until the vomiting is over, then eat bland foods e.g., BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast)
  • Eating raw garlic kills unhealthy microbes
  • Probiotics help improve the quality of the microbiome
  • Apple cider vinegar (2 T for adults) taken in a glass of warm water can help kill infecting microbes and soothe digestive system
  • Peppermint tea soothes the stomach
  • Ginger tea is great for nausea
  • Honey
  • Natural (unsweetened) yogurt
  • Basil Tea
  • Colon Hydrotherapy/Colonics - cleansing the colon will remove the bacteria quickly, followed by repopulating the gut with good bacteria
  • Liver and gall bladder cleanses
  • Glutamine helps to repair the gut lining
  • Digestive enzymes for restoring gut function
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Steps to Prevent Food Poisoning

The best approach to food poisoning is to try to prevent  exposing yourself  to the microbes causing food poisoning. Practice good food handling to keep food out of the "danger zone" is the key!

Proper storage of food in the refrigerator or freezer
Refrigerate leftovers immediately after they cool, within 2 hours of cooking
Check expiration dates and abide with recommendations
Store meats on the bottom of the refrigerator where they will not drip onto other foods
Keep temperatures in the refrigerator as recommended
During hot weather, avoid dairy products and sauces that have been exposed to extended higher temperatures
Wash hands often when preparing foods
Clean kitchen or food preparation areas regularly
Use sponges and cloths once then wash or put sponges in the dishwasher. Kitchen sponges are a huge source of harmful bacteria
Regularly consume probiotics and fermented vegetables which help destroy unhealthy microbes
Digestive enzymes create a gastrointestinal environment good for digestion and poor for incubating harmful microbes
Don’t reheat food twice

Food poisoning is a common illness and while unpleasant, is usually over quickly. The best way to avoid food poisoning is with prevention and maintaining a strong immune system.