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6 Essential Nutritional Supplements and why you need them

Written by NIHA Staff | Mon, Jun 15, 2009

Updated April, 2024

Nature is your best source of nutrition. However, it is now scientifically and medically recognized that even high quality and balanced diets can benefit from targeted nutritional supplements. Augmenting a healthy diet with nutritional supplements may provide the best possible opportunity to enjoy optimal health and lower the risk of disease development. Your doctor can test your VItamin D levels and can suggest dosages for this and any supplements.

Start with these key nutritional supplements:

Vitamin D
Omega 3 fish oil
Vitamin C

Vitamin D: Vitamin D regulates calcium and phosphorus levels which are vital for bone growth and health, promotes a healthy immune system and is effective in preventing tumor growth.Vitamin D is naturally present in a few foods such as egg yolks, fatty fish, and fortified milk and cereals, but can be generated from direct sun exposure, which most people don't get enough of. Try to get 15-20 minutes of sun exposure daily. Studies show that as many as 40% of Americans are Vitamin D deficient. Your physician can test your D levels and tell you how much you need to supplement based on individual requirements. It is thought now that Vitamin D levels should be between 50- 60 for an optimum level. NIHA's naturopathic physician says that it is best to take VItamin D with meals, like with an egg at breakfast, since it is a fat soluble vitamin.

Magnesium: Magnesium maintains a healthy immune system, normal muscle and nerve function, keeps bones strong, helps regulate blood sugar levels and blood pressure, and is involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis. It may also help prevent and manage hypertension, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Omega-3 Fish Oil: A pure, healthy fish oil supplement rich in essential omega-3 fatty acids is vital in maintaining healthy arteries, reducing risk of heart attack, abnormal heart rhythms, and strokes in people with known heart disease.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is an essential nutrient involved in a range of key metabolic reactions including bone, cartilage, muscle and blood vessel formation. It aids in iron absorption and in extreme environments can protect against the common cold. However, excessive levels can cause numerous health problems.

Probiotics: Probiotics-"friendly bacteria"- found in foods like yogurt, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, improve immune function, relieve symptoms of IBS and diarrhea, and protect against colon cancer.

Chlorella: This single-celled fresh water algae is a source of high-grade protein, chlorophyll A & B, 5 Minerals, 12 Vitamins and 19 Amino Acids. Chlorella is a valuable supplement removing heavy metals from the body and relieving pain and hypertension associated with chronic health problems.
Visit our product website for more health products and information, and talk to your doctor about what other supplements may be right for you.

Keep in mind, as with anything, too much of good thing is harmful for your body. Here are few things to keep in mind when you begin a new nutritional supplement.

4 Tips for Starting a New Vitamin Routine:

1. Take a variety of products and supplements to avoid unnecessary allergic reactions.
2. Take vitamin holidays. As with your diet, it's best to have variety in your routine. To avoid overuse, take a few days or weeks off now and then.
3. Strive for optimal nutrition. You still need a balanced diet with lots of vegetables, fruit and lean protein for good nutrition, even if you take supplements.
4. Buy quality products. You get what you pay for: not all supplements are created equal.