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Allergies and Chemical Sensitivities

Home»Allergies and Chemical Sensitivities

Allergy Testing and Treatment

  • Painless, Needle-free testing and treatment
  • Customized Serum Allergy Treatment with Oral Immunotherapy
  • Low Dose Allergen Immunotherapy (LDA Treatment)
  • Allergy Elimination Therapy (NAET)
  • Rapid Relief of Allergy Symptoms

Allergies are an exaggerated reaction of the immune system to a substance that would not normally cause a reaction in most individuals. The immune system perceives a particular substance (dust, mold, pollen, chemical, etc.) as a threat and triggers the release of histamine, causing an allergic symptom.

Classic allergy symptoms are sneezes, runny nose, hives, itchy and watery eyes, and itchy throat. In fact, allergies may cause a vast range of symptoms, from fatigue and depression to constipation, joint pain, facial swelling, headaches and chronic sinusitis. Allergies put stress on the immune system and can affect every major system of the body.


Oral Immunotherapy

Allergies affect both the immune system and the autonomic nervous system. NIHA'S allergy treatment options can address both the immune system response and the autonomic nervous system response to the allergen.

Painless, Needle Free Allergy Testing

During the testing phase we use a painless, needle free biofeedback tool, Electrodermal Screening (EAV)  to scan the major body systems, identify allergens and establish the individual's formulation for allergy serums. Complete screening for molds, pollen, inhalants (dust, smuts, animal dander), phenol, glycerin, and TOE is given. If indicated, testing and treatment for chemicals, hormones, and food sensitivities will be administered. After this initial 60 minute visit, which includes a comprehensive medical and environmental history, a clear picture of your health status and disturbances in your body which may contribute to allergy will emerge.

Customized Serum Allergy Treatment with Oral Immunotherapy for Quick Relief

Allergy serums customized for you are the treatment for allergies. The serums cause the immune system to build up blocking antibodies that turn off the allergic response, and may even eliminate the allergy, given an appropriate length of treatment. When combined with Allergy Elimination Therapy, which helps calm the autonomic nervous system, you can find relief from allergies and may get better faster.

Once the allergens have been identified, a treatment strategy will be developed based on serums. Sublingual (under the tongue) immunotherapy for treating allergies will reduce or suppress the immune response to the allergy. It decreases the allergic response to allergens and balances the immune system.A balanced immune system is better able to handle the offending allergen, so that allergic reactions are decreased or may even disappear.

Electrodermal screening is used to formulate the correct dilution of your serum. Customized serums are delivered in the form of shots or oral drops and address the immunological component of allergies. On subsequent visits the patient will build up to the correct dosage of serums and their progress will be monitored. On average, patients report relief from allergy symptoms within 6-12 weeks of starting treatment. Once patients are safely tolerating the serum treatment they may be allowed to self-administer at home.


LDA Therapy Low Dose Allergen Immunotherapy

Low Dose Allergen, or LDA therapy, is a safe and effective immunotherapy used to treat food allergies and environmental allergies as well as autoimmune conditions. Injections are typically used for adults, with a sublingual option for children.

LDA treatment involves very low dose combinations of allergens along with an enzyme, beta-glucuronidase. The key component of this enzyme is that it attracts specific white blood cells (T-regulator cells) that are involved in the immune response and makes them pay attention to the allergens included with the enzyme. This causes a down-regulation, or calming of the response, of the part of the immune system that was reacting to the allergens in the first place. In other words, LDA works to shut off the adverse or allergenic response, and has a positive affect on the immune system. This is also the reason why it works well for most autoimmune conditions where the body is attacking itself.



Allergy Elimination Therapy NAET

Allergy Elimination Therapy (AET or NAET) is a biofeedback technique used to identify and desensitize the body to problematic allergens, intolerances and sensitivities. Allergy Elimination Therapy  is a non-invasive, long-standing natural treatment option that may improve the body’s ability to overcome some chronic health issues.

Allergy Elimination Therapy is non-invasive, effective, and a pleasant experience for the patient.  It may be used alone or as a complement to allergy shots or serum drops to address the allergic reaction on many systems of the body: the immune system, nervous system, and autonomic nervous system. The combination of Allergy Elimination Therapy and allergy serums  provides not only maximum relief of symptoms but also may help address the root cause of the allergy.



Additional Help for the Allergic and/or Multiple Chemically Sensitive Patient

The integrative, holistic approach to allergy treatment is usually sufficient, but sometimes there may be an underlying disturbance contributing to the body's tendency to overreact. We seek to also identify these root causes of allergy by looking further at possible sources of toxicity. We are able to test for and treat these issues which may contribute to allergies or sensitivities. Possible sources can include:

  • Diet (food allergies and/or food sensitivities or intolerances)
  • Chemicals in Personal Care Products, Water, or Environment
  • Chronic Infections (Lyme Disease)
  • Work and Home Environment (air quality, mold, chemicals, electromagnetic frequencies etc.)
  • Dental Issues (root canals, infection, mercury fillings) Molds
  • Heavy Metals (smoking, exposure)
  • Noxious energies (electromagnetic frequencies)
  • Bowel, Digestive system (leaky gut, poor digestion, parasites)

Dietary Modifications may be helpful for food sensitivities. Keeping track of what you eat with a diet diary, then using a rotation diet or an elimination diet will help manage symptoms and treatment.

Sinusitisis inflammation of the sinuses and can cause pain, headache or facial swelling. A nasal wash or neti pot helps to drain the sinuses and relieve pain. Decongestants, steam inhalation, and drinking plenty of water are other cost effective treatments. Chicken soup and ginger tea have anti-inflammatory properties which may be helpful. If there is fever or persistent swelling antibiotics may be needed.


Detoxification may be suggested as part of your allergy treatment if toxicity is found. Detoxification and rehabilitation of the bowel is essential to all healing as it restores balance in the gastrointestinal system. The gastrointestinal system, "the gut" is our first line of defense against allergies.


Environmental Assessment for allergies is a key component of the integrative approach to identifying and treating allergies and/or chronic disease. A complete, comprehensive medical and dental history of the patient is necessary in order to determine the timing of allergy and/or sickness. These are important questions in order to assess the internal and external living environment. If necessary, additional testing of the home using mold panels can be done to further pinpoint the root cause of the problem which may be contributing to allergy or sickness.
  • At what point did the patient become sick or develop allergies?
  • Where did the patient live and work?
  • Did the patient ever have a tooth extracted or a root canal?
  • What is the age of the patient's home?
  • Has the patient been exposed to mold, chemicals or other toxins?
Patient Testimonial

"I didn't think food allergies would have anything to do with my sinus problems. I am so pleased with the therapy."





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