Integrative Health Blog

Vitamin D for Disease Prevention and Optimal Health

Posted by on Tue, Jul 09, 2019

Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient for your health at every age.  In fact, the illnesses associated with vitamin D deficiency are numerous. Recent studies on vitamin D reveal the hazards of D-deficiency and the benefits by maintaining an optimum level:

  • Vitamin D deficiency is associated with a greater risk for cancer.
  • Vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased incidence and severity of asthma and wheezing disorders.
  • Vitamin D deficiency affects the cardiovascular system. Deficiency of vitamin D increases the risk for heart attack, hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, metabolic syndrome, coronary artery disease, and heart failure.
  • Vitamin D has been shown to be an effective treatment for psoriasis.
  • Vitamin D supplementation reduces the incidence of autoimmune diseases, specifically multiple sclerosis and Type 1 diabetes (when taken during infancy).
  • Vitamin D enhances the immune response and provides protection against upper respiratory infections, influenza, and middle ear infections.

Risk Factors for Vitamin D Deficiency

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Tags: vitamins and minerals, immune system

Vitamin D Helps with Seasonal Changes and Immunity

Posted by on Thu, Oct 25, 2018

As the population of North America progresses through seasonal changes from summer to fall and then into winter our bodies also go through critical changes.   

The days get colder and shorter with decreased sunlight exposure promoting changes and alterations in our immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems (especially the brain) as well as lesser changes with the other body systems.  

These seasonal changes will bring illness unless our systems are healthy enough to adequately adapt.  Because a large percentage of our population is already unhealthy (huge numbers are obese, pre-diabetic or worse- highly stressed, immune compromised, or have chronic disease ) seasonal changes will add another level of stress which frequently results in illness.

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Tags: vitamins and minerals, immune system

The Best Vitamin for Breast Health

Posted by on Tue, Oct 13, 2015

October is breast health awareness month. As a woman I am keenly aware of breast cancer and not just in the month of October. It’s estimated that 1 in 8 women will develop invasive breast cancer in her lifetime.

I believe that it is my responsibility to do everything I possibly can for my breast health. For me, that includes breast thermography which is a non-invasive screening tool used to determine a woman’s risk of future breast cancer.

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Tags: cancer, vitamins and minerals, breast health

Are You D-ficient?

Posted by on Mon, Feb 02, 2015

Vitamin D is critical to health

Winter season is an important time to think about your (and your child's) vitamin D levels because vitamin D deficiency is especially prevalent during this time of the year. 

Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient for your health at every age.  In fact, the illnesses associated with vitamin D deficiency are numerous.  Consider the following recent studies:

  • Vitamin D deficiency is associated with greater cancer risk.
  • Vitamin D has been shown to be an effective treatment for psoriasis.
  • Vitamin D supplementation reduces incidence of autoimmune diseases, specifically multiple sclerosis and type 1 diabetes (when taken during infancy).
  • Vitamin D deficiency  is associated with increased incidence and severity of asthma and wheezing disorders.
  • Vitamin D enhances the immune response and provides protection against upper respiratory infections, influenza, and middle ear infections.
  • Vitamin D deficiency affects the cardiovascular system. Deficiency of vitamin D increases the risk for heart attack, hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, metabolic syndrome, coronary artery disease, and heart failure.

Vitamin D deficiency is very common 

Given the importance of Vitamin D to the function of so many different bodily systems, we need to ensure that our levels are within a healthy range.  The recommended blood level for vitamin D is 30 to 80, but rarely do we find a patient in the healthy range. 

Here are 3 ways to optimize your vitamin D level:

Outdoor Time: First of all, vitamin D is a misnomer.  It’s not a vitamin, but actually a hormone that is produced in your own body.  Vitamin D production requires sunlight.  So inadequate exposure to the sun, which occurs frequently in our indoor-prone, sedentary society, is a big factor in vitamin D deficiency.  The best way to improve your vitamin D level is to make it yourself. 

Just ten to fifteen minutes of sunlight exposure can generate 10,000 to 20,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D. (People with darker skin may require five to ten times that length of time for the same resulting levels.) Make sure that you avoid excessive sun intensity resulting in sunburn.

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Tags: cancer, vitamins and minerals, integrative health, children's health

3 Ways to Cut Your Cancer Risk

Posted by on Mon, Jan 19, 2015

Do you think the genes you’re born with determine what happens to you? 

Whether you’ll be overweight because it runs in your family or whether you’ll get diabetes since your Dad had it?

Whether you’ll develop breast cancer because your Mom died from it?

You might be surprised to know that your genes don’t have as much control as was previously thought. 

Scientific American just published an article reviewing the latest information in the field of epigenetics.  Here’s a quote: “Many of the contingencies of life – what we eat, what pollutants are in or environment, how often we are stressed – affect how our genes operate.”  This is great news, because we have a lot of control over what we eat and how we deal with stress, and even some control over the pollutants in our environment (like our homes and cars).

Have you heard of epigenetics? 

Epigenetics is the phenomenon of how our environment, which includes the foods that we eat, the toxins we're exposed to, and even our stress levels, can turn genes on and off.  A new article published in Scientific American states "epigenetic effects play a crucial role in development, aging and even cancer1."  Even cancer?!  This is great news, that we can make choices that influence whether those cancer genes get turned on or off! We should be aware of the fact that we have significant power over our health destiny.   

So, here are 3 things that you can do to drastically reduce your risk of cancer:

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Tags: cancer, vitamins and minerals, holistic nutrition

Vitamin D: The Multi-tasking Hero

Posted by on Tue, Mar 25, 2014

Autumn Frandsen ND

Vitamin D, Essential to the Immune System

Although many people are aware that vitamin D is important, they may not know HOW important and why. The term “vitamin” is actually a misnomer as Vitamin D is really a non-essential prohormone. It is non-essential because it can be synthesized in the body from sunlight and a prohormone because it is converted to the hormone calcitriol in the kidneys. A vitamin is usually used to help potentiate a reaction in the body while a hormone actually sends a message to increase or decrease levels of certain substances in the body. In the case of vitamin D and calcitriol, adequate levels of calcium and phosphorus are maintained through Parathyroid hormone signaling for an increase in the active form of Vitamin D, calcitriol, to be made. Calcitriol then stimulates calbindin to increase calcium absorption in the intestines. There is even more complexity where that came from. There are vitamin D receptors in the intestines, bone, kidney, brain, heart, skin, gonads, prostate, and breasts. It’s no wonder that vitamin D is therapeutic in so many conditions and is so vital to maintaining health. It is considered the prohormone of the immune system.

How Much Vitamin D Do I Need?

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Tags: vitamins and minerals, immune system

Antioxidants, Our Built-in Firefighters

Posted by on Tue, Jun 11, 2013

Why do we need antioxidants?

One of the 4 pillars of nutritional supplementation, antioxidants prevent our bodies from “burning up” (anti- against, oxidation – burning); oxidation from free radicals also causes aging, loss of cellular energy and function, premature cell death, degeneration, cancer, and more. Consider these biological truths about anti-oxidants:

  • Antioxidants come from our food (and supplements) but more importantly our body’s antioxidant enzyme systems (all requiring nutritional building blocks).
  • Cellular systems of detox and antioxidants always work together, are under genetic control and are inhibited whenever chronic inflammation is dominant. So if you have a chronic inflammatory health condition you also have an oxidation and toxic problem! Note that all chronic health conditions involve chronic inflammation.
  • Our toxic world has greatly increased our need for all types of antioxidants to heal or remain healthy.

Antioxidants are key to:

  • Anti-aging
  • Overcoming illnesses
  • Regaining health from any chronic or acute health issue
  • Restoring health of the neuro-immune system compromised through heavy metal and chemical toxicity, overgrowth of bowel toxins and chronic infections
  • All detoxification strategies should include anti-oxidants

How antioxidants are best delivered to the body:

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Tags: antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, immune system, supplements, world wellness store

Why Vitamin D is So Important

Posted by on Wed, Feb 16, 2011

Vitamin D is one of those essential substances that we cannot function well without. 

It is common knowledge that the body makes its own Vitamin D when the skin is exposed to sunlight.  It is that form that we use most efficiently.  While Vitamin D supplements are great, “homemade” is better.  That is not a “free gift” to go into the sun at great lengths.  Small amounts are necessary; too much is not good, and you want to avoid that tan look. 

The Purpose of Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a role in many body systems. 

We need it to help with calcium absorption, it is  considered by many to be protective against some cancers, helps regulate blood pressure and glucose metabolism.  Therefore is essential in the management of diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes.  Again, this is not saying that Vitamin D treats any of these issues but it is essential to maintenance and restoration of health. 

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Tags: holistic primary care, vitamins and minerals, integrative health