Integrative Health Blog

Lyme Disease May be Worse Than Ever This Year

Posted by on Sat, May 05, 2012

The NIHA doctors are already seeing a lot of tick bites and Lyme disease due to the mild winter, early spring and other indicators of a large tick population in 2012.

The Washington Post ran an article this week in which Dr. Paul Beals is quoted:

*Excerpted from the The Washington Post:
Paul Beals,  a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating Lyme disease at National Integrated Health Associates in the District, says, "We're finding that the vast majority of our patients who are getting tick bites causing Lyme are also getting other co-infections at the same time," including such febrile illnesses as bartonella, which can be transmitted by ticks and mosquitoes, as well as babesiosis and ehrlichiosis.
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Tags: integrative health, integrative medicine, holistic doctor, lyme disease

Holistic Primary Care Approach to Digestive Health

Posted by on Wed, Dec 14, 2011

Did you know that 70 -80 % of your immune system is in or around the digestive tract?

It’s true. Now consider what would happen to your health if the digestive tract were compromised.

Malnutrition and lowered immunity would become a real health concern.

There are several things that can compromise the bowel including:

  • Parasites ( bacteria,  fungi, viruses, multiple cell organisms such  as pinworms)
  • Food allergies-inappropriate immune response to foods causing inflammation
  • Diverticula - herniations or pouches in the walls of the intestines that can trap foods and bacteria causing inflammation / infection of the bowel wall.
  • Antibiotics- while they can clear infections, they also kill good bacteria necessary for the health of the gut
  • Constipation- slow transit due to poor peristaltic motion can cause  the  bowel to become toxic due to bacterial overgrowth as well as tears in the walls of the intestines that easily become infected.
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Tags: holistic primary care, bowel health, immune system, integrative health, holistic approach, primary care, digestive health, holistic doctor

Fetus Feeding

Posted by on Mon, Mar 29, 2010

Planning for a Healthy Pregnancy


Did you know that bacteria are a part of a healthy pregnancy?
Surely you know that women need a healthy diet and a multivitamin with additional folic acid when they are pregnant. But, were you aware that a good probiotic is essential too?
When a baby passes through the vaginal canal his/her gastrointestinal tract is sterile. The initial seeding of this tract occurs as the baby comes into contact with mom's stool (or at least microscopic remnants of it). It is essential that mom's gastrointestinal tract be colonized with beneficial bacteria to pass onto baby. Since approximately 70% of the immune system lines the gut, giving baby the proper start with beneficial bacteria helps to ensure baby's defenses.

Give Baby a Healthy Start

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Tags: pregnancy, children's health, pediatrics, probiotics, holistic doctor

A holistic doctor's thoughts on vaccination conference and gardasil

Posted by on Thu, Oct 15, 2009

 by Tracy Freeman MD

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Tags: vaccinations, holistic doctor, womens health, gardasil