Integrative Health Blog

Detoxification for Life: a Patient/Coaching Training Course

Posted by admin on Wed, Jun 15, 2011

by Mark McClure DDS


The Art & Science of Detoxification for Life

The art and science of detoxification is skillfully removing “all the bad stuff”…a unified approach to either regaining or optimizing health. Toxins of all kinds accumulate in our bodies and become one of the root causes of all dysfunctions and diseases, aging, energy issues, obesity, allergies, hormonal problems, pain and fibromyalgia, arthritis, autoimmune, cancer, brain degeneration… for the young and old. Recovering (or preventing) is getting the “bad stuff” out!

Detoxification, like health, diet and lifestyle is life time habits. Our modern world is great for the convenience but our bodies are unable to live in a health state with the chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals, radiation from cell phones, and EMF from all our gadgets (to name a few) that continually impact us. Whatever is on the outside will eventually get to the inside of our bodies. Then it is our immune and detox systems that must inactivate and remove the toxins if health is to be preserved. How well you do this determines your aging and health.

Learn the Principles and Strategies for Detoxification
Join us in learning how to detox for life- effectively and efficiently. Learn to establish healthy habits of detoxification that can be used throughout your and your loved ones life. Learn the principles and strategies; understand how to use detox products while incorporating them into one’s busy lifestyle. This course will educate you to become an informed student of Integrative Medicine, learning about your health.

This Detoxification course is at least 32 weeks, with webinars every two weeks. The in between weeks will be coaching and Q&A sessions. Participants in the course will be able to down load 2 E- books for your references and library. These will be kept as E-Books and any additions over the years will be made available to you complimentary.

1. The Detoxification for Life and Longevity- the work book – a detox instruction manual teaching the principles of detox, the products and strategies, with the purpose of putting them into action.   

2. Detoxification and Functional Rehabilitation, a more complete text of detox for the practitioner.

Who should be interested in this patient/ coaching training?

1. All patients that wish to be proficient in detox, becoming self directed for life!

2. Conventional and Integrative Medical professionals and their staffs (who can participate as Detox Health coaches).

Watch for more information on this course under the Seminars section of the website.

Topics: detoxification, integrative medicine