Integrative Health Blog

Is it Time for the Autism Community to Come Together?

Posted by on Wed, Dec 22, 2010

Recently, two popular supplements in the autism community have come under scrutiny.  The first is Oxidative Stress Relief (OSR) and the other is the “speak” supplement.  Whether or not these products are good, bad or indifferent is debatable.  The real issue at hand is the vulnerability of the autism community in general. 

On the one hand, parents are willing to take calculated risks on novel treatments.  The option of trying something that has “supplement” status is weighed against the possibility of having a child with a life-long sentence of autism.  This, to me, is understandable.  At what point, however, do we draw the line?  These children do not have the time to wait for the FDA to do multi-centered, double blind, randomized control trials on treatments—that takes years.  Nor can the families with an affected child wait for the great causation debate to be settled. 

Conversely, we cannot forget the supreme edict of pediatrics….”children are not little adults,” meaning they have a physiology and biochemistry that is unique to them.  At the very least, dosages need to be weight specific (the issue with the speak supplement) and the ingredients need to scrutinized to be natural like the word “supplement” connotes. 

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Tags: autism, supplements